Monday, February 14, 2011

Just Another Day

Tweets about people's feelings towards Valentine's Day started way before the clock struck midnight. It was no shock the two extremes that blasted my feed throughout this past week...


"If you didn't quite feel lonely during Xmas or New Years, there's always Valentine's day to remind you." - MattMO2Go

"Bring it on, Valentine's Day. I can handle you. #vday" - RachelWare127

Love it

"Secretly Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays." -CaleyConner

"My Daddy will always be my Valentine! #hesthebest" - MajorlySweet

Nuggets of Optimism to Combat the Hate

"Happy Valentine's Day everyone! If you are single or attached it is a great day to be thankful for the people you love and for those who love you." - MsLeaMichele

"Let God be your Valentine. He already loves you more abundantly than any human being ever will." -meganmcgee

Hate it

"Not looking forward to seeing couples exchange symbols of love tomorrow.... Hopefully a busy legislative day will keep me sane." - DLWhite

Super Bitter

"Oh hey Valentine's Day... Yeahh I hate you #shootmenow" -JordanBulling

"Is ready for Valentine's Day to be over." -Brytn33T

Personally, I hate holidays. I don't discriminate... Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, Easter... They all are annoying in my book.

I am a routine kind of person, so when elaborate days with expectations arrive on the calendar... I cringe. Nothing is worse than having to do something because some person (in advertising probably) came up with the original idea. Let's get real... Nothing anymore is solely about "loved ones" and spending time with family. There is always huge traditional meals, greeting cards, elaborate decorations and, of course, gifts. All of those are expectations!

Gift giving and receiving makes me nauseous and I would rather pretend like no such things exist. First of all, I never know what a person wants or needs. Do they like practicality? Do they like something elaborate? What if they already have it or do not want or need it? And don't tell me it is the thought that counts... Let's get real here. If I am about to fork $20 to $100 on a gift for someone.... I want them to LOVE it.

If you end up asking someone what they want and you get it for them... it does satisfy the question of, "Do they like it?" But it ruins the surprise.

Call me a cynic, but this is just my belief.

So for everyone who is against Valentine's Day, don't worry. Today is Monday and you have a whole week ahead to be pissed at for genuine reasons.

If you love today... Good for you. You are the reason we can't burn all of the holidays in huge bonfire.

If you have sarcasm towards V-Day, you are the people that make today one point better than what it would have been-- All by just keeping it in perspective.

I say lets take a leaf from the sarcasm book and keep this and every other holiday in perspective! Because, honestly, today is just another day.

Happy Valentine's Day.

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