Sunday, June 19, 2011


New Obsession.

How it was explained to me:

It's like a website of virtual bulletin boards. You "pin" things on to them. You have categories like food, crafts, and places you want to visit. It is really helpful if you are online shopping and you want to buy something but not right now! You can pin that item and then when you are ready to purchase, you won't have to waste time finding it again!

I wasn't convinced at first... I don't really need another website to look at! Especially if it aids me in spending money... I am doing that well enough. (Check out the Retail Therapy post)

But I was wrong.

How I will explain it to you:

It is like Facebook creeping without the creepy part! (because you sometimes don't know who pinned the item you repin) You get to see all these neat pictures from precious puppies to delicious recipes and awesome DIY craft projects to great quotes. It is almost as if Facebook and PostSecret had a baby. Although you don't necessarily know the people you "repin," you feel like you get a sense of who they are and you connect when you like the same things as others. It's like have a huge FB "LIKE" button and browsing through all these items that peak your interest.

I have posted pictures up from #phototour2011. It makes me feel like I am contributing instead of just 'repin stealing' from everyone else. I will be posting a blog about the photo tour soon, but it is currently still in the works.

Only downfall: Pinterest is invite only or you have to be on a waiting list... But once you get in... Get ready! Cause it is a blast.

There is an iPhone application. Not as user-friendly as actually getting on your laptop or desktop, though.

Also, don't give up and call it off at first. Give it a chance. Look around. Explore and tap into your creative side. Listen... I have a board called 'Green Obsession' where I put things that are green. I also have one called 'Diet Coke' ... For obvious reasons. Be silly. Have fun.

Hope everyone had a Happy Father's Day.

T-minus 3 days till Pennsylvania!

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