Monday, September 27, 2010


Last week a mile stone was hit for our new members and sophomores. A little event called Big/Little took place. For the non-Greeks out there, big/little may be something completely over your head. I have realized over the past three years that it is nearly impossible to explain the random relationships that are forced together in the sorority including the big/little match up. I will attempt one time to describe this, and then we will have to move on. Pray that my explanation be adequate enough to get you through my post.

Back in the day, one of the Panhellenic Sororities decided that being sisters wasn’t enough. Making friendships the normal way just wasn’t cutting it. They yearned for a single member to be extra close with, and they wanted it to be exclusive and proclaimed throughout the entire chapter. This sorority determined the solution to the hole in their heart and ego was a concept named Big/Little.

Every incoming freshmen pledge class member (littles) would be paired up with a member of the sophomore pledge class (bigs). Sometimes there would be too many new members and a sophomore (big) would need to take two freshmen (littles). This situation would make the two littles, ‘twins.’ Confused yet? Well, let’s add in the bigs of bigs and how that relates to littles on down the road… Then you get Gs, GGs, and even GGGs. The Gs stand for Grand and Great Grand. (Similar to your grandfather and great grandfather.) If you are still following, I will throw the final curve ball at you. When twins happen in a family, it is like a normal family tree. Aunts and cousins are created which results in a monstrous family. Greeks have their own genealogy. Go figure. And just like a normal family, you don’t always get along and you sometimes don’t get to choose the members.

In our sorority, we have a kind of pseudo coke date slash recruitment system for the new members and sophomores to get to know each other. They call the coke date piece of this organized phenomenon, Nu Friend dates. Someone pairs the two classes randomly and it is the sophomores’ responsibility to take the freshmen out and get to know them through a remedial activity. During these weeks leading up to Big/Little, preffing is happening (thus the mini rush part of the system). Both sides are choosing their top three choices for big and little. Then some magical committee called the pairers, take this information and put together big/littles. It is all very “Wizard of Oz,” don’t look behind the curtain, mysteriousness.

The best part about our big/little is the surprise reveal. Sophomores are told(less than a week in advance) who their little will be and when big/little is taking place. Hopefully they have been ‘getting their craft on’ prior to this, because, like EVERY sorority event, there are presents involved in big/little. These presents include homemade letters of our house, a family tree, usually a teddy bear, canvases, picture frames, our secret letters, candy, random things with their name, etc. Usually you can’t just run down to the craft store and buy most of the items customized for your little. Luckily we do have some specialty stores… Chuck’s and Woodworx. These two stores are the Mecca for sorority women wishing to craft their love. Anything can be found in these stores in relation to wood cutouts for the presents. After you attain your foundational pieces, the next stop is usually Hobby Lobby for your staple items like paint, scrap book paper, bedazzles, stickers, brushes, and mod podge.

Once the items are purchased, the hardest part appears… Actually creating and making these crafty presents. It is sometimes daunting. If you haven’t become acquainted with a very special adhesive called mod podge, then you are already behind in the game. My roommates were in the midst of making big/little presents last week, and I felt like a Hobby Lobby consultant showing them the tricks of the trade. The ways to make sure you don’t have bubbles when you cover wood with scrapbook paper. The art of using sparkles and glitter in a mature way. Painting on mod podge in a manner that will protect your present but not interfere with the pouring process… It was intense. The craft caddy was in full gear last week!

When the night finally arrives, families gather in the same shirts representative of their family personality. The gifts are posted up in the most glamorous ways as if a National craft show was about to take place. Clues for the scavenger hunt are dispersed throughout the house waiting for the future littles to come bursting through the door. And don’t forget the creepy party pix guy insisting you take one more picture. The anticipation and anxiety of the past 4-6 weeks culminates to this one event. As the doors open, the screams begin and before you can count to 10… It is all ended with the big and little in each other’s arms.

How magical right? It might be safe to assume that big/little is the best thing since sliced bread. It is easy to think that every pair works out perfectly and lives happily ever after, but don’t jump to conclusions. After it is all said and done, big/little is merely a piece of the puzzle in the sorority. Most women try to make it the end all for their sorority experience. They live and die by the big/little pairing. Putting any kind of high expectations on any relationship is never recommended! This is no different…

It can be great, don’t get me wrong. I have seen big/little pairs who become BFF’s and are inseparable. I have also seen pairs who are crushed when their big/little aspirations don’t pan out. I won’t lie, there are random pairings. Random in the sense that perhaps the new big/little pair didn’t pref each other or they may not have met until Big Little Night... but planned because the pairers know their personalities. They always try to do matches to the best of their abilities based on the information they have. There are even cases where some big/little pairs thought they loved each other during preffing and ended up having a terrible relationship after a semester of being together. It is merely a flip of a coin in my opinion.

The take home message… Big/Little pairs are a wonderful piece of the puzzle in the sorority experience; however, they do NOT dictate or control any part of your sorority experience. They are merely another relationship made in the web of relationships Greek life offers its members.

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