Monday, February 28, 2011

Reading Buddy Reality Check

reading |ˈrēdi ng | buddy |ˈbədē|

Once upon a time I did reading buddies... Like my freshman year. Then I got super busy and deemed the act of listening to a child read for 30-45 minutes as a low priority. It wasn't because my first reading buddy was dumb. (Although he smelled strange.) And it wasn't because his reading skills were horribly behind. (On the contrary, he read quite quickly.) And, no, it wasn't because his reading choices were boring, dull and uninteresting. (I happen to love an Amelia Bedelia book every now and then.) It was simply that my class, sorority and life schedule didn't allow for a weekly trip to the school.

Flash forward. Spring 2011. I am a senior. In chapter, I receive a sign up for reading buddies. I decide, "Why not? It isn't like I have a ton of stuff going on..." (False. I did, but I ignored the fact.) So I signed up and anticipated my reading buddy name to arrive...

For the sake of protecting the children I will use alternate names...

At last, the email was sent out three weeks ago with Reading Buddy pairs. I was hooked up with Mary Kate on Mondays at noon. All was good until one week ago when I went to meet Miss MK.

Elementary schools are on constant lock down, and rightfully so, but this does create some hoop jumping if you ever want to get in. As I approached the front desk I notice a couple other sisters were waiting patiently for their buddy. Turns out that lunch is what is happening right before noon, so we had to wait until about 12:05-12:10 to actually meet up with our buddies.

The first time you meet your buddy, the student comes to get the you and after that, we are allowed to meet them outside the classroom. So I am sitting there waiting on MK and the door opens. Three children come in and each sorority sister says their reading buddy's name and they pair off. The secretary ends up introducing me to MK.

"Mary Kate, this is your new reading buddy!"
"What?! No she isn't. That is not my reading buddy!"
"Well, actually she is. She is new and I am sure you two will get along fine. Let's go take your meds now..."

Hm.. That went over well... Not to mention I look like a complete failure in front of the audience who witnessed the altercation! I mean I did say the correct name, right? I re-checked the email and I was spot on... But for some reason MK was not having me as a new buddy.

After a final round of convincing, we went back to her classroom to pick out books. Her frazzled teacher ended up telling me the reason behind the confusion. MK had a usual reading buddy that came on Thursdays. She had been coming for a couple years... (That explains the horror of meeting a new partner, I guess.) Anyways, the teacher said she would let MK read to me today, but would probably have a new student for me next week.

By the time MK has selected her THREE books and we make it to the library, it is almost 12:20 pm. Usually reading buddies last 30 minutes tops... Good thing she insisted that we run from the classroom to the library! Shaved off a couple extra seconds...

MK declared she would be reading to me with no help. Her first book was new and she struggled through it looking at the pictures and to me for clues. I was surprised at the words she knew though-- I mean "exactly" has an "x" in it and let's be real... No one likes the letter "x"

The second book was a classic apparently. She loved the book and wanted to share it with me. I glance at the clock as it hits 12:45.

"MK, what time do you normally end reading buddies?"
"Oh, around 11."
"Um, we are a little past that. I didn't get here till noon."
"Well, this isn't the normal time. How am I SUPPOSE TO KNOW WHEN YOU LEAVE!? Now, lets read."

No arguing with a screaming child in a library... Unsupervised might I add!

So we read the second book and I convince her we don't have time for a third. By the time I exit the school it has been a little over an hour and no one who began reading buddies with me was still there. Super duper. Um, did I willingly sign up for this??

So today I went back to the school. I wasn't for sure of the game plan so I used MK's name again as my buddy. Before I could get to her class though, she met me in the hall on the way to the office! She exclaimed-- "Hey Reading Buddy!" (Thank goodness I wasn't shunned again!)I I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to take her meds and then we could read.

Unfortunately, the teacher had different plans... She told MK that she couldn't have two reading buddies, so a new reading buddy was assigned to me. Ashley.

Ashley had quickly picked ONE book and we began reading by 12:10. She was about the same reading level as MK, but she had a particular quark. She was an art buff and loved talking about the illustrations before we actually read the page. She would make predictions and comments on the pictures and it was funny for the first 10 minutes but got old as 12:30 creeped closer.

Some Observations that were Made:
"Oh man! I saw a boa constrictor once. At the zoo. I was scared. I like bats better than snakes cause they hand upside down."
"WHAT!? Look at all those fish! I bet he got wet swimming with them."
"Oh gosh, look at those... Um... What are those again?" (They are sea lions....)
"Dang, looks like the mom died..." (Reads page) "Whoa! She survived... But she lost all her credit cards. Not good."

As we wrapped up the book she had me count the goldfish. Apparently she couldn't count past 4 which was alarming but I didn't push... Ashley's time was up and I needed lunch before I became the Reading Buddy Witch.

We parted and I told her that the book standards had been raised and she better not let me down after such an exhilarating first book... And yeah, that may or may not have been too much pressure, but Ashley didn't seem intimidated.. She just smiled and said okay.

"See you next week Ashley."
"Uh... Yeah you will!"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just Another Day

Tweets about people's feelings towards Valentine's Day started way before the clock struck midnight. It was no shock the two extremes that blasted my feed throughout this past week...


"If you didn't quite feel lonely during Xmas or New Years, there's always Valentine's day to remind you." - MattMO2Go

"Bring it on, Valentine's Day. I can handle you. #vday" - RachelWare127

Love it

"Secretly Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays." -CaleyConner

"My Daddy will always be my Valentine! #hesthebest" - MajorlySweet

Nuggets of Optimism to Combat the Hate

"Happy Valentine's Day everyone! If you are single or attached it is a great day to be thankful for the people you love and for those who love you." - MsLeaMichele

"Let God be your Valentine. He already loves you more abundantly than any human being ever will." -meganmcgee

Hate it

"Not looking forward to seeing couples exchange symbols of love tomorrow.... Hopefully a busy legislative day will keep me sane." - DLWhite

Super Bitter

"Oh hey Valentine's Day... Yeahh I hate you #shootmenow" -JordanBulling

"Is ready for Valentine's Day to be over." -Brytn33T

Personally, I hate holidays. I don't discriminate... Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, Easter... They all are annoying in my book.

I am a routine kind of person, so when elaborate days with expectations arrive on the calendar... I cringe. Nothing is worse than having to do something because some person (in advertising probably) came up with the original idea. Let's get real... Nothing anymore is solely about "loved ones" and spending time with family. There is always huge traditional meals, greeting cards, elaborate decorations and, of course, gifts. All of those are expectations!

Gift giving and receiving makes me nauseous and I would rather pretend like no such things exist. First of all, I never know what a person wants or needs. Do they like practicality? Do they like something elaborate? What if they already have it or do not want or need it? And don't tell me it is the thought that counts... Let's get real here. If I am about to fork $20 to $100 on a gift for someone.... I want them to LOVE it.

If you end up asking someone what they want and you get it for them... it does satisfy the question of, "Do they like it?" But it ruins the surprise.

Call me a cynic, but this is just my belief.

So for everyone who is against Valentine's Day, don't worry. Today is Monday and you have a whole week ahead to be pissed at for genuine reasons.

If you love today... Good for you. You are the reason we can't burn all of the holidays in huge bonfire.

If you have sarcasm towards V-Day, you are the people that make today one point better than what it would have been-- All by just keeping it in perspective.

I say lets take a leaf from the sarcasm book and keep this and every other holiday in perspective! Because, honestly, today is just another day.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dinner Formality

Last week I had the pleasure of eating dinner at the sorority house in a “formal” fashion.

Basically, almost every Greek house does some kind of Formal Dinner every now and then... Some have it every week, while others (like my house) only have it once a month. (THANK GOODNESS!)

What makes this dinner formal versus every other meal we eat? Well, we are all required to be in business casual or better (Sorority term: Pin Attire), the dining room has formal lighting (mood lighting- the dimmer the better), the tables are set up with multiple sets of silverware (even the infamous dessert spoon), there are center pieces reflecting the season or holiday closest to the day (this week was sock monkey stuffed animals in coffee cups and candy hearts), and our china has our crest on it (unless you were unfortunate enough to sit down at the 5-10 place settings that just have a regular old plate.) Another thing to point out is that we sing our prayer.... Surprise, Surprise, right?! We sing our thanks to the Lord... In a sorority. Yeah...

One of my least favorite parts about formal dinner is the part where house boys serve us... In theory - great idea - in practice, it slows down the process... Being served and cleared table by table in a room with 125 women... Not the most efficient. However, I am told that the time we spend in between courses is a time to bond and talk with the sisters at our table. (I guess in a fantasy land this would be ideal....)

This point brings me to Rules for Surviving Formal Dinner--

Rule #1

Thou shalt always choose their dinner mates wisely.

It is going to be a long hour and a half, so choose those women who you can stand for that amount of time. It will drag into eternity if you do not obey this rule... Unless you are lucky and you pair with someone who you don’t know and ends up actually being cool-- Then formal dinner turns into a fantastic wake-up call (you still don’t know all the possible friendships in your sorority house.) But it’s a coin toss.... That I, personally in old age, would care not to risk.

Rule #2

Thou shalt have an alternative dinner plan.

Formal Dinner is notorious for being mediocre. Not to mention that the servings are not huge. If you didn’t have a snack before dinner, have a plan for eating arrangements after chapter. I know of very few women who do not have a snack or a completely separate dinner after Formal Dinner. Last week it was a carbalicious dinner-- salad, pasta (spaghetti and chicken alfredo), bread sticks, and chocolate cake. Okay... First of all, no protein means seconds were being called for repeatedly by tables across the dining room. Second, if you are on a diet to promote weight loss.... Like me. Well carbs are the ultimate sin. Not to mention it isn’t like we are being served Olive Garden here... It is food service. So, I ate Qdoba later that night.

Rule #3

Thou shalt sit on the edges.
Middle tables are always squished. They usually never get easy access by the House Boys for refills, cleaning the tables, and being served. The edges and the back are prime spots. Or in the Sun Room... But you do lose the mood lighting, so choose your vice wisely.

Rule #4

Thou shalt not sit at the head of the table if thou isn’t prepared to handle those responsibilities.
The head of the table is where the big serving silverware sits. The House Boys will hand all the food to you and you are suppose to distribute the food. Not overly complicated, but a certain amount of pressure is applied to the head of the table.

Rule #5

Thou shalt love water.
Cause that is the only option. No. Diet. Coke.

Even though it is formal dinner, we still allow dinner announcements to come in and say their piece. I usually do not eat dinner in the dining room on Monday nights because of dinner announcements, but unfortunately you cannot escape it on formal dinner night.

It always strikes me as odd the people who come around to talk to Greek houses...

Salons, businesses or Avon sellers
Random student organizations
Philanthropy shout outs from other houses
Applications, applications, applications
Announcements of members who received honors or awards

Let’s start with my view of a sorority. Yes, we have bout 150 members and that is a lot of man power... Times that by about 11 houses and you are talking about a mini army... If you include the fraternities.... Yeah. Lots of hands, brains, money and available time to give to others.

Even though this is true, sororities and fraternities are not full of mindless zombies. Each man and woman have their independent lives including classes, jobs, clubs, intermurals, shows, community service, church, friendships, significant others, etc. Then on top of our personal endeavors, the sorority and fraternity has requirements. If you don’t meet those requirements, you are in trouble.

Back to those who come by with announcements.

Most helpful: Applications and Award announcements. Obvious reasons being that we like to celebrate those who were recognized for their achievements. And application announcements are helpful because they usually pass them out and give awareness to important deadlines approaching. The other good thing about these two are the fact that they are not asking for anything. Sure they would like to you fill out an application, but I never feel a pressure to do it... Nothing bad will happen to myself or my house (like tarnishing our name or reputation)

Least Helpful: Salons, Avon sellers, or any other business who thinks it is appropriate to come by during our dinners and pitch an advertisement. Remember why we have formal dinners? To socialize and talk with our sisters in an elegant setting. In no way do I want to be interrupted when telling an awesome story... Especially, if it a shameless plug about your business. If you want to advertise, leave some flyers. We have bulletin boards that we put them on and they get plenty of face time if left by our white board. Coupons are your best bet to get us there, but I hate when lone rangers come in because they know the capacity of a Greek house and basically just want our business.

Most Annoying: The reason philanthropy announcements cannot be placed in least helpful: they are done by our own- our fellow Greek brothers and sisters. However, when other frats or sororities come by and announce their philanthropy, I get annoyed. Only because we are required by Panhellenic to send so many people to their event... Whether you tell us or not, you will have the minimum amount of support needed to make your philanthropy stay afloat. About an hour after dinner, our Panhellenic chair will stand up in chapter and ask for volunteers to participate... And boys... Because some of your philanthropies are basically set up to require participation by us (or else we look like losers or heartless witches)-- no need to fret and send announcers-- Again, that is why we have chairs for that... (Really, the concept of some of the fraternities philanthropies make my blood boil. but that is for another blog).

Most Aggravating: Student Organizations. There is a natural barrier between those in Greek houses and those not in Greek houses. Not to say that student organizations do not have Greeks in their organizations... Actually, quite the opposite. Because there are probably Greeks in your student groups, you can easily have those members send out emails or make more personal requests to the houses they belong to... My problem really comes down to those organizations who invite Greek Life to participate. This past week, a college student council requested we set up a booth at a carnival for kids. Okay, not to sound like a soulless Grinch, but, did I not just mention all the philanthropy requirements we have (not to even touch on our personal philanthropies or additional community service hours)?? Now extending the opportunity is one thing (like an application), but this particular group not only offered up the idea but then added a twist. The winner of the contest (basically having the most ticket sales to the carnival) will receive $400 for a date party. Strange concept... You will give us money when your philanthropy is raising money... And even more strange-- You think we would most like to apply your philanthropy money to a date party.... Interesting. I mean I highly doubt they are asking other student organizations to participate in a contest... And I can make this inference because CASNR Student Council hasn’t been invited....

At the end of the day-- yes. I realize we are a big group of people. Yes. I know our support and participation in an event or business endeavor would help. However, the reality is: we do extra things to make a name for ourselves both in the Greek community and on campus, to earn money for our philanthropies (to gain a name) and we do things that are required (so we don’t get kicked out of the sorority or Panhellenic). I think any college person, Greek or not, does the same thing during their college career. It always boils down to, “Do I do this because I love it? Do I do this because it is required? Or, do I do this because it will help me out in the long run?”

At the end of the day: If your announcement doesn’t better our members or our house name and if it is already required by a higher authority... You are basically traipsing around the Greek community in formal clothes for no reason. And if your announcement leaves us feeling like all you want is more participants or business (Avon Sellers and student organizations) then find a better way to advertise--- Might I suggest a Twitter or Facebook Fan Page?

Till the next formal dinner...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sorority Sister's Sidekick

Snow Day, Snow Day, Snow Day. We are on number two, and I needed a break from my endless graduate reading.

If you don't know Malibu, you are missing out. She is my Brussels Griffon puppy dog. She will be 1 on March 15 and was a 1/2 gift from my fiance before we were engaged.

I come from a family who sticks with large breed dogs. I think this deprivation led me to the tiny, bratty, yip-yappy, tea cup breeds. What drew me in to the Brussels Griffon breed was the fact that they were low on the shedding scale and would only reach 5-8 pounds in weight. AKA- my own personal doll that I could always carry around and dress up! Also, there is a short haired breed, which means minimal upkeep with the grooming. Double bonus!

Now, some of my sisters think my precious baby girl is a gremlin. Or an alien. (Based off her baby pictures... I think it is a coin toss)

I went ahead and did a fashion shoot so you could be the judge. I also did the shoot because I wanted to show off the ridiculous outfits both Doli (my mom) and myself have purchased for Malibu. I will say that Malibu is Doli's first grandchild and insists on being called G-Gers when talking with Malibu.

There is no animal cruelty going on, but some of the outfits were purchased for the 4 pound Malibu, and currently she has grown to 7 pounds.

Please enjoy - Snow Day Fashion Show 2011

Gearing up for the runway. We will need all the puppy treats we can find! Bribery is always the best policy.

Her Princess bed is the favorite spot to curl up on a snow day.

When going out into the white fluff, she prefers her pink poof jacket vest.

After frolicking in the snow, she likes to curl up with her pink snuggie! Please note the army print bow... So sorority.

She really doesn't like dressing up-- Thank goodness for treats!

There is a game tonight, so Malibu is all bundled up supporting her Cowboys! Go Pokes!

Speaking of Cowboys, look at her western cowboy costume. In honor of her favorite movie-- Toy Story!

Halloween costumes were a different subject entirely! She loved being a fairy... Especially the halo.

But if there was a holiday that required lots of clothes.. it was Christmas. In tribute to Santa and Baby Jesus, here are the outfits she rocked for the holidays.

Bow and cutsie skirt!

Mrs. Claus!

Brother (Coors) chewed up her Santa Baby shirt. Mom was NOT happy.

Christmas tree T-shirt, don't trust brother enough to let her wear it freely.

The Ultimate Doggy Tacky Christmas Sweater. She would have loved an invite to Meet Me Under the Mistletoe!

Finally, she still sometimes has puppy tendencies... This calls for a diaper. Pink checkers, of course! And a bow to match!

Fashion show over! Yay for the bed and a treat.

I realize this post might have revealed my candidacy for becoming the next "Pet Hoarder" or "Cat/Dog Lady," but I doubt this will ever materialize. Reasons: Not only is Malibu a brat ... (Top felonies: Chewed on my Sperry's and ripped up my initiation blanket) ... but she is expensive ... (food, toys, shots, clothes, treats, etc.) I only have enough cash and patience for one small breed dog at a time!

My final thing I'd like to say about Malibu is my special Malibu voice... Only a proud mom would come up with such an obnoxious, high-pitched voice. If you are lucky, I might demonstrate it for you.

Happy Snow Days.